Support for multiple.


PDF report items filtering by both risk rating and ticket status

Ostorlab has added support for filtering PDF report items by both risk rating and ticket status.

Wed 09 August 2023


August Fix-it!

During our recent Fix-It Week ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ƒ, our dedicated team put in a tremendous effort to address and resolve over 107 issues affecting our systems.

Tue 08 August 2023


ZIP Exploitation: Critical Vulnerabilities Found in Popular Zip Libraries in Swift and Flutter

Recent in-depth investigations reveal serious vulnerabilities discovered in widely-used zip packages in Flutter and Swift, posing serious security risks for thousands of developers and applications. Our article delves into the technical aspects of these vulnerabilities, explaining their discovery, implications and mitigation strategies.

Fri 04 August 2023

Ostorlab now supports uploading an SBOM or Lockfile for extended dependency detection.

Addition of CircleCI and AppCenter CI/CD integrations.

Latest posts

Ostorlab's Insecure Flutter Apps: A Playground for Learning and Testing Mobile Security

Ostorlab has open-sourced two Flutter applications, designed to be intentionally insecure for testing and educational purposes. The apps, one native to iOS and the other a Java/C++/Flutter app, highlight a variety of common mobile app vulnerabilities. Available under the Apache-2.0 license, they serve as practical resources for understanding Flutter security.

Mon 10 July 2023

zCamera, 100M+ installation app, from remote compromise to data leaks

This article is a technical deep dive, showing how a 100M+ installation image application can expose its userโ€™s images and suffer from remotely exploitable vulnerabilities ranging from SQL injection and intent redirect to arbitrary file download.

Tue 04 July 2023

New Features & Fixes in July 2023

We're excited to bring you a host of enhancements and features: open-source Flutter vulnerability detection, extended social auth support for Google and Github, AI-enhanced summaries, a sleek notification UI, and advanced search filters. We've improved geofencing support for India and UK, added new Flutter-specific detection rules, and fixed bugs in various areas. With a freshly redesigned blog and smoother navigation testing for Webview on Android and iOS, we're making your experience even better.

Sat 01 July 2023

AI-powered recommendations and fixes, Improved Flutter Detection, and much more

The new release brings a new AI Engine for improved recommendations, powerful new additions to Flutter detection and much more.

Mon 26 June 2023

Secure Mobile Biometric Authentication: Best Practices and Implementation Guidelines for Kotlin, Swift, and Flutter

In this Article, we define a secure implementation of mobile biometric authentication and provide detailed implementations in the 3 main modern mobile languages, namely Kotlin for Android, Swift for iOS, and Dart for Flutter multiplatform applications.

Tue 20 June 2023

Flutter Reverse Engineering and Security Analysis

Article on Static and Dynamic analysis techniques for Reverse engineering Flutter Applications. The article goes over runtime patching, custom ABI interception and traffic interception.

Thu 15 June 2023

Enhanced Security Features, New Automation Rules, and Flexible Yearly Plans for Improved User Experience

Latest release includes several enhancements such as faster navigation, weekly reporting, an export to CSV feature, new vulnerability detections, improved 2-FA authentication, dynamic routing extraction from popular web frameworks, new automation rules for workflow streamlining, and more flexible yearly plans allowing users to utilize testing slots as needed without loss during inactivity.

Mon 01 May 2023

Strategies for writing super fast Python

In this article, we look at different ways to improve the performance of Python which is an interpreted language.

Tue 18 April 2023