
Introduction of a comprehensive audit logging system

Introducing a comprehensive audit logging system including user logins, data modifications, configuration changes, and more.

Mon 20 November 2023

Audit Logs

Introducing a comprehensive audit logging system. This new feature allows organization admins to track and monitor various activities and changes within the organization, providing enhanced visibility into user actions. You can see your organization's audit logs in the Audit Logs section of the Library.

Audit Logs

  • 📜 Audit Actions: Auditing a wide range of actions, including user logins, data modifications, configuration changes, and more.
  • đŸ•Ļ User Activity Tracking: Recording user interactions to assist in maintaining accountability and security.
  • ℹī¸ Detailed Information: Each audit log entry includes detailed information such as the user responsible, timestamp, and a description of the specific action taken.
  • 🔍 Search and Filter: Easily search and filter audit logs based on user, date, or specific activities, facilitating efficient monitoring and analysis.


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