

Article on Static and Dynamic analysis techniques for Reverse engineering Flutter Applications. The article goes over runtime patching, custom ABI interception and traffic interception.


GodFather Android Malware Analysis

In This article, we analyze the GodFather Android malware, which continues to appear in various formats and primarily targets banking and cryptocurrency applications to steal money and sensitive information for the users.

Fri 14 April 2023


Text4Shell (CVE-2022-42889) in Mobile Applications ... should I worry?

CVE-2022-42889 is a vulnerability in the Apache Commons Text Library caused by string interpolation abusing powerful handlers and present in popular application like Amazon Shopping, Udemy and Grammarly. This article goes over the applicability and risk of this vulnerability for Mobile Applications.

Mon 24 October 2022


Attack Surface Insights - part 2

Attack Surface is not just about open ports and services; this article covers key insights beyond the standard technical ones.

Thu 16 June 2022

Attack surface mapping has become the number one headache of CISO's of most large organization, this article goes over techniques and tools used by Ostorlab to enable powerful and accurate attack surface discovery and monitoring.

What is the impact of Log4j vulnerability on mobile applications

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Universal bypass of SSL Pinning ... from theory to a full working PoC with LLDB

This article is about bypassing SSL pinning without needing to. Sounds confusing? We will go over the theory, build a full PoC using LLDB in Python and finally extend it to other cool tasks.

Tue 18 May 2021

5 things every mobile security professional should know about WebViews

This article is about WebViews and the security notions we need to have in mind when using these component in both Android and iOS.

Tue 18 May 2021

Ostorlab detects Dependency Confusion

Dependency Confusion is a new attack with high severity impact. This article is an overview of the vulnerability as well as other supply chain attacks.

Wed 03 March 2021

Finding superhuman XSS polyglot payloads with Genetic Algorithms

The following article is a technical deep dive into how genetic algorithms can be leveraged to create superhuman XSS polyglot payloads.

Mon 01 March 2021

News and Updates of Week 8

This weeks is marked by multiple high profile data breaches affecting Cashalo, Npower, Kia, T-Mobile and Clubhouse.

Sun 28 February 2021

Finding and Validating Hardcoded Keys and Secrets

Hardcoded secrets are easy to find and might open a gate to sensitive data or privileged access. This makes them a great target for Bug Bounty hunters and Attackers.

Fri 30 October 2020

Autonomous Security: Pushing Security Automation to the Next Level

The article introduces the term Autonomous Security in the context of security scanning and defines 5 tiers of maturity.

Mon 26 October 2020