attack surface
Automation rule policies, Artifacts redesign, improved detection and much more.
An overview of all the new features of the Ostorlab platform and its detection capabilities.
Fri 14 April 2023
Enhanced Attack Surface Detection: Introducing Faster Scans, Mobile App Attack Surface, and Improved Navigation Features
Significant improvements made to the attack surface detection platform, such as advanced asset filtering, search features, quick action buttons, and bulk asset import; it also mentions the ability to track mobile applications' attack surfaces, faster scanning speeds, and a new scan insights feature providing actionable security feedback.
Sat 01 April 2023
Where are all these 3rd party SDKs sending my users' data? 😨
Ostorlab’s new features are laser-focused on helping teams understand, track and search their attack surface, what attackers are seeing and targeting, and basically what can get an organization hacked.
Thu 02 February 2023
New Dashboard, Better Insights
As a reflection of the many new capabilities and changes we have made, we have released a new dashboard providing better insights into an organization's security posture.
Thu 20 October 2022
OWASP Mobile Application Verification Standard Support
The Mobile Application Security Verification Standard is an important step toward building secure Mobile Applications. Ostorlab now adds support for generating compliance report for L1, L2 and Resilience levels.
Improved Attack Surface Discovery, Mobile and Web Security Scanning
Largest release with improvements to Attack Surface, Open-Source, Mobile and Web scanning and much much more.