Articles by

Martin Salis

Attack Surface is not just about open ports and services; this article covers key insights beyond the standard technical ones.


Mapping your Attack Surface - part 1

Attack surface mapping has become the number one headache of CISO's of most large organization, this article goes over techniques and tools used by Ostorlab to enable powerful and accurate attack surface discovery and monitoring.

Tue 17 May 2022


How did we react to Log4j vulnerability? Read our analysis for mobile applications.

What is the impact of Log4j vulnerability on mobile applications

Mon 20 December 2021


News and Updates of Week 8

This weeks is marked by multiple high profile data breaches affecting Cashalo, Npower, Kia, T-Mobile and Clubhouse.

Sun 28 February 2021

New Analysis Environment with access to disassembly, decompiled source, call trace, function tagging and many other features.