
Integrations, Dynamic analysis improvements, and a new standard support

This update introduces multiple new integrations with CI/CD pipelines, improvements to dynamic traces interception & analysis, support for the MASVS v2.0.0 standard, and many bug fixes.

Mon 27 May 2024

This update introduces multiple new integrations with CI/CD pipelines, improvements to dynamic traces interception & analysis, support for the MASVS standard, and many bug fixes.

📄 CI/CD Integrations

  • Add integration of TeamCity CI/CD pipelines for automated scanning.
    TeamCity integration
  • Add integration of GoCD build processes.
    GoCD integration

🤖 Dynamic traces interception & analysis

  • Add extraction of Dictionary arguments of Objective-C methods, this allows for improved detection of numerous vulnerabilities, like insecure data storage.
  • Add support for dynamic instrumentation of Objective-C static methods, this improves the detection of over 250 rules.
  • Add extraction & analysis of sockaddr C-structures to extract IP address and port.

sockaddr extraction

📑 MASVS v2.0.0 standard

  • MASV 2.0 is here, Ostorlab has support for it :+1:


🛠️ Remediation

  • Added a due date field to the tickets and the ability to re-open all exception tickets after that period.
  • Added a finished time field to the scan API.

🐞 Misc & Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Tree-Like representation of organisations on the plans page.
  • Fixed social authentication username conflict.

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